Finding Direction of Al-Qiblah using Holy Kaabah Direction Finder (Qiblah Compass)

Index Numbers and city locations –” United States of America and Canada:

United States

Atlanta 295
Austin 305
Boston 270
Chicago 290
Denver 305
Detroit 285
Kansas City 300
Los Angeles 310
Memphis 300
Miami 300
Minneapolis 295
New Orleans300
New York 275
St. Louis 295
Washington 280
Phoenix 310
San Francisco 310
Pittsburgh 280
Portland (Ore). 315
Portland Maine270
Houston, Tex300
Dallas, Tex 305


Edmonton 310
Halifax 260
Montreal 270
Ottawa 270
Port Arthur 290
Quebec 265
Vancouver 315
Toronto 285


Select the city in which you are located and read the Index Number.

Place the Direction Finder on the floor and turn it until the needle points to the selected Index Number. The Minaret at top of the Direction Finder is now pointed to the HOLY KAABA IN Mecca.

The direction of Al-Qiblah (The Holy Kaaba in Mecca) from North America, as shown by the HOLY KAABA DIRECTION FINDER, is East-South-East/South East depending on the locations of the cities.

The Index Numbers have been scientifically calculated from the latest available geophysical and geodetic data for 1980.

Please Note:

The above information is the reproduction from the book “HOLY KAABA DIRECTION FINDER, Index Numbers and city locations worldwide”.