Consultation: Draft Global Strategy on WASH and NTDs 2021−2030

Consultation: Draft Global Strategy on WASH and NTDs 2021−2030

In 2015, WHO and partners mobilized the WASH community to help accelerate and sustain efforts to control and eliminate NTDs  through a Global Strategy for 2015-2020. This was later supplemented by the publication of a toolkit, developed jointly with the NTD NGO Network (NNN), to help health and WASH partners with the practicalities of working together.

The NTD road map 2021-2030 was launched on 28 January 2021. It aims to strengthen programmatic responses to NTDs, and specifically encourages cross-sector actions in NTD control, elimination and eradication. The road map includes a cross-cutting target on “achieving universal access to at least basic water supply, sanitation and hygiene in areas endemic for NTDs by 2030”, and calls for strengthened coordination and collaboration with WASH stakeholders to ensure that services are delivered and sustained in communities that are most affected by NTDs.

WHO is now updating the 2015 Global WASH-NTD strategy to support the new NTD road map and to incorporate lessons learnt on WASH-NTD collaboration over the past 5 years. The draft Strategy document can be accessed here.

Interested stakeholders are invited to provide feedback using this online form and to circulate among their networks to facilitate broader, comprehensive feedback.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated by 3 March 2021.



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