Brazil reported 69,184 deaths due to the pandemic of the novel coronavirus. In 24 hours, 1,220 were added to the COVID-19 death toll, up 1.7 percent. The data can be found in the update released by the Health Ministry on Thursday (Jul. 9).
There are 632,552 people being observed and 1,054,043 have recovered. A total of 4,077 deaths are being investigated.
The ministry also unveiled the registration of 42,619 new cases, raising the country’s case tally to 1,755,779, up 2.4 percent from Wednesday (8).
The lethality (number of deaths divided by the total amount of cases) stood at 3.9 percent. Mortality (deaths for every 100 thousand people) was reported at 32.9. The incidence of COVID-19 cases for every 100 thousand people is 835,5.
Of all 27 Brazilian states, São Paulo (17,118), Rio de Janeiro (11,115), Ceará (6,741), Pernambuco (5,409), and Pará (5,196) have the highest number of fatal cases linked to COVID-19. Mato Grosso do Sul (136), Tocantins (240), Roraima (393), Acre (411), and Santa Catarina (447) have the lowest amount of related deaths reported.