The latest figures released by the Ministry of Health on Tuesday (Jun. 30) shows that Brazil reported 1,280 deahts from COVID-19 in 24 hours, adding up to 59,594, an increase of 2.1 percent from the previous daily report, when 58,314 obits had been registered. There are also 3,950 deaths under investigation.
The lethality rate (deaths divided by the total number of cases) was 4.3 percent, with the mortality rate (obits in every 100 thousand people) at 28.4.
The official survey also indicates 33,486 new confirmed cases of the disease, bringing the total to 1,402,041 across the country, up 2.4 percent from Monday (29) figures. The incidence of COVID-19 cases in every 100 thousand people went up, therefore, to 667.2.
The document also shows that 552,407 patients are in observation, whereas the total of recovered cases since the beginning of the pandemic stands at 790,040.
Usually, the number of reported deaths and confirmed cases of COVID-19 is lower on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays, due to the difficulty state secretariats must face in feeding data banks with notifications. On Tuesday, figures are higher due to the number of notifications accumulated from previous days.
COVID-19 across the states
The states with the highest amount of deaths linked to the pandemic are São Paulo (14,763), Rio de Janeiro (10,080), Ceará (6,146), Pará (4,920), and Pernambuco (4,829). At the bottom of the list are Mato Grosso do Sul (46), Tocantins (200), Roraima (283), Santa Catarina (341), and Acre (365).