Today’s world is a world of images. Western media portrays its own manufactured images of the contemporary Arab and Muslim world é more so of the oil exporting Arab nations é twisting tail of the camel, or singing without dancing.
When Arabs were true believers, they were One Ummah é European colonialists divided the Arabs and classified their tribal and ethnic categories é so to invest in division and diversity and patronize the planned outcome for imperial rule and strategic control.
Despite a history of in-house personality differences contributing to national feuds in the Middle East, Arabs facing difficulty in catching up to modernity and how to be progressive with all the stolen wealth from the public oil revenues and extracted thru the corrupted system in a modern age of ignorance.
Syed Qutb once warned, “Jahilliya” (ignorance) has its own culture, plan and force, and it wants to destroy you within but do not follow the influence of ignorance – “Jahilliya” age.
In some parts of the Arab world, masses know well, they are oppressed, leaderless, and are not free to speak, but like the American political militarism, they have not learned to make jokes about their self-styled leaders. The masses do enjoin advanced consciousness of the political reality; leaders are uneducated and too dull to share a sustainable sense of humor for public consumption. American media plays strange images of the Arab world. Israel is at the top in political imagery promotion. Bush and Ariel Sharon are the master piece images beamed in when it comes to media news making in the Middle East as if they are the heroes of all those living in the Middle East. Inadvertently, this exposes the US policy that America and Israel are one in strategic goals and military actions. Arabs have no entry in the making of political scenario because they do not have leaders or public institutions, they were slaves under the European colonial domination. The Arab leaders in particular, love the body and soul of Anglo-Saxon complexion, and would even bow to its mirror transformed reflection. One American Honey or a British sweetheart can make the difference without going to a battlefield. The Arab armies are not the armies of Islam and their Generals are drawing room decorated Generals and lead nobody.
Nobody wants to talk about the real-world problems. Arab elite sectors are deliberately kept fat, lousy and ignorant to ensure American é Israeli collaborative upper hand in the entire global political imagery making. As if there are no other flourishing human societies or culture except the US and Israelis. Jerusalem, an occupied city by the Israelis under the International Law and the UN resolutions, the western media calls it Jewish capital. Western mass media is enriched with a culture of lies. Rich Arabs leaders are too busy to THINK of this growing dichotomy, giving free hand to Israelis all around the political environment. Global culture of ignorance “Jahilliya” entices human desires to cultivate pleasure and comforts. It entangles human being in pleasure-seeking adventures. Arab oil exporting people often derive solace from pride and palaces. No statistical data is currently available to indicate how long this self-imposed contradiction will continue.
Masses feel pinched when seeing Iraqi civilians being bombed by the American planes, while their leaders gathered relief from the announcements that Saddam Hussein is after all going to be punished for alleged WMD crimes that he failed to commit. Arab media is a foreign operated trivial entity if you are hoping for creativity and realism except where ordered by the ruling elite to salute to a camel, an American car, a blond with a smiling face often shown in Dubai TV commercials kissing the redundant UAE Sheikh. There are no Arab or Muslims leaders to offer a sense of intellectual security to the Muslim Ummah or be able to speak wisely to the global audience. They live in palaces, not with people.
Arab people are talented and progressive but irony is that American media does not want to see it. Corporate interest dominated media networks only show what they believe in to be of their own kind. They love Aerial Sharon and President Bush, whether the Middle East or the world, their images crop up in multiple news bound. The rest of the globe is a helpless partner in the news making. American-Zionists planned war against Iraq, made the Arab leadership fearful more of Commander Bush than All Powerful God . Educated Arabs begged their leaders to speak out, challenging the Western nuisance of “Islamic terrorism ” and its linkage to the occupation of the Arab heartland é Iraq. Arabian newspaper editorials and reader’s letters often persuaded the leaders to come into public but the leaders did not go to mosques and stayed in diapers. They helped America and the Jews to bomb Iraqi civilians and destroy Iraq’s national existence.
“What Went Wrong” often Bernard Lewis contends, what he believes in, not what the Arab world or Muslims did in reality. At the beginning of 21st Century, it seems, the world has gone terribly benign and out of focus é the Western perceived reality has no reason for reality. If it is an absurd one-sided viewpoint é what the world should look like: Arabs and Muslims as “terrorist” while the real terrorist – Ariel Sharon is called “Man of Peace”. Muslim spectators prefer silence as the body language to avoid standing for Islam and end up losing the official financial aid.
Western ruling elite has many functional problems, they do not know what peace means. If they had peace and they consciously knew about it é why would they be striving to attain it throughout the recorded history? Do you struggle for the goals that you do not have, or the ones you already possess? Arabs exponents of peace do speak but are unable to reach the majority of the media controlled humanity. The Arab religious scholars see the light only in mosques, whereas people live in darkness. Their Islam is supplemented by matching regular salaries and making it non-active part of the distant history. Leaders know how to intimidate or buy the religious scholars. American continue to ignore them unless another September 11 should hit the New World Order forces and question the unquestionable lords of the global financial institutions.
Arab people are ancient, tolerant and enjoy credible history, Americans are new in civilization and rush to hasty conclusions, only to THINK after the facts and feel guilty for misleading the world on Iraqi’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. Islam disciplined the Arabs to THINK in advance, not just the self, but good of the whole of the Humanity. When Arabs left the universal mission of “goodness”, they were defeated and continued to be so to this day. Could they regain the global leadership thru Islam? AbdulHamid Abu Suleyman (Crisis in the Muslim Mind, 1995), believes so.
Al-Qura’an stipulates, “Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.”
The compound mark of reality is getting thinner but western media’s plan renovate it, paint it and erect solid walls to oppress the human voices for change, understanding and collaborations in a global human context. Arab masses reaction to the Zionist occupation of Palestine, and the freedom movement to undo the Zionist terrorism made them so called “terrorist”. Arabs have a history of civilization, not terrorism, Jews were dispersed without a civilization and they desperately wanted to make the world believe in their claim to a civilization, lost in interpretive history. European persecuted the Jews for ages, not the Arabs, and American never cared about it, well after the 2nd World War until Jews established institutionalized influence and power in politics, mass media and financial domains. People and nation of the world must listen, learn and understand this forgotten reality. American and Zionists have ignored it and they are in Iraq, daily being ambushed until they will leave Iraq abruptly in a worst mess than Saddam Hussein. On the American media screen, Arabs are defeated and punched to “their knees”, but in reality, it is the beginning of an evolutionary awakening to know, learn and understand, who the real enemies of the mankind are. Arabs conscience appears enliven more so when they heard adhan (call to prayer) in Granada Mosque (Al-Andulsia-Spain), after absence of 500 years of recorded history. The last caller of adhan (call to prayer), probably did not know, that future generations of Muslims would be coming to reclaim and recall the forgotten “message” to the exhausted humanity.
Muslims have a mission – a God given duty to invite the humanity towards goodness and real success é the consciousness of which they ignored under the disguise of oil based economy and oil-fed superficial prosperity – a naéve Western concept of prosperity that drained out the Arab cultural values, intellectual creativity and truism for One Ummah – One People, committed to the DEEN of Islam. Now, they appear divided between solid walls not mud-made huts, air conditioned chemically prepared unhealthy villas and palaces, American automobiles, packed foods and mind mapping via satellite dishes. Consequently, the American-Jewish planned oil-based consumable “prosperity” for the Arabs, degenerated the will of the people by squeezing their inborn capacity to THINK as Muslims and to adapt to a sustainable global mission é a futuristic Islamic goal for the best of humanity. Terrorists uproot olive trees, dismantle homes of the indigenous population, and displace the people as Zionist and American collaborators have done it effectively in Palestine.
Muslim pioneers have developed the humanity for civilization in thinking, education, philosophy, sciences, technology, medicine, architecture, jurisprudence, human relations, Taj Mahal, Al-Hambra, Cordoba Mosque and the largest library of Cordoba (prior the invention of the printing press), that was burnt down by the Christian fundamentalists in 1492 A.C. Muslims and Humanity are inseparable. To discredit the Arabs and Islam, is to discredit the humanity itself. Humanity is not politicking. Neglected and subdued Arab masses are waiting to be heard é they can make the difference with the help of Allah and without the dull and ignorant leaders; they can help to uplift the besieged humanity to reclaim its rightful global conscience, peace and harmony and to rebuild its man-destroyed heritage for the GOOD of ALL – ONE HUMANITY LIVING in ONE WORLD in COMPLETE SUBMISSION TO ONE GOD.